Energy Therapy that harmonises body and mind
The word ‘Reiki’ comes from the Japanese word ‘Rei (universal energy) and Ki (vital individual energy).
Reiki is a method which brings energy to the person, in order to release tensions, strengthen the immune system and help the person find a state of balance.
During the sessions, you will be asked to lie down, fully clothed, on a massage table. I will put my hands above your body, and will allow the energy to go to the parts that most need it.
The word ‘body’ can refer to various ‘bodies’ – physical, etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual.
As in all energy treatments, I am only the channel through which this energy can be transferred to the person.
Reiki should not be considered a replacement for any medical treatment.
The possible effects of a Reiki session
Reiki works on:
The well-being of the physical, emotional and mental bodies.